Detox is a word that gets thrown around often in our culture. Unfortunately, our every day exposure to toxins and chemicals is enviable, even when trying our best to avoid them. While our bodies are inherently good at detoxing –especially through our liver, kidneys and skin, we often need to further support our body’s elimination pathways. The liver is key, as it filters the blood and helps to break down toxins. As a naturopathic doctor, when working with my patients, I often focus on diet and lifestyle modifications that we can make to help promote adequate daily detoxification, such as promoting regular bowel movements and getting our lymphatic system going. More often then not, we need some additional support in this area, and herbal medicine is a beautiful modality to assist in this.
Here are three of my favourite liver supporting herbs:

1. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Milk thistle is widely known as a heptoprotective, which means it helps protect and repair the liver. This can include helping our liver process daily stressors such as poor diet, environmental toxins and alcohol consumption. It can help support the gallbladder, and increase glutathione production – an important antioxidant for detoxification. Research has even shown milk thistle to improve serum liver enzymes and fasting blood glucose, insulin and HbA1c markers.
2. Dandelion (Taraxacum off.)
Yes,I am talking about the “weed” you find on your lawn every spring! Dandelion can be consumed in two parts – both the leaves and the roots. The leaves, or greens, are known to be a diuretic and help support the flushing of waste from the kidneys. The bitter taste helps stimulate digestion and detoxification. Meanwhile, the dandelion root is a known as a liver tonic and focuses on assisting phase two liver detoxification, improving healthy bile flow and promoting regular bowel movements. Due to it’s flavouring, it is also often used as a caffeine free coffee substitute!
3. Globe Artichoke (Cyanara scolymus)
Globe artichoke is not only known to help support the liver, but it also is a bitter, which aids in overall digestion, and helps support the gallbladder. Research has shown it to help lower serum cholesterol and improve liver enzymes – so it is a great option for those who are also concerned with their cholesterol levels.
I love creating custom blends for my patients to help support their body as a whole. Often we can choose other supporting detoxification herbs, such as Burdock (artcium lappa) when there are skin concerns, nettles (Urtica dioica) for kidney support and cleavers (Galium aparine) for lymphatic drainage.
To dive deeper into what it means to detox and cleanse, as well as diet and lifestyle changes you can start today watch my webinar in the Optimal You Membership Community!
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Disclaimer: Any information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to beused in place of professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of aqualified health care practitioner with any questions or health concerns youmay have.