Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto
Life may not be predictable, but at least your energy should be.
Hello and welcome! I’m Dr. Margot.
Tired men and women come to me for naturopathic care to balance hormones, correct deficiencies, and improve gut health to finally feel recharged.

Work with me
Naturopathic Care
Through my signature Hormone Cornerstone Methodology, we will assess and optimize to balance hormones, correct deficiencies, and improve gut health so that you can beat fatigue and feel fully recharged. Naturopathic care is available in person and virtually!
Thinking it *might* be your hormones?
If you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, you’re probably balancing the demands of a career, family, home, relationships, and more. All that requires a lot of energy! Even though you know the basics and do your best to eat healthy and exercise, you don’t feel great. Maybe you have indigestion, restless sleep, erratic moods, PMS (if you’re a woman), or just feel stressed out and exhausted all the time. You think it might be your hormones, but all your routine labs are normal. Sound familiar?
You are not alone! I have a system to get you back to feeling your best.
What most people don’t realize is that there is so much more to hormones than just testosterone and estrogen!
While it’s true that your hormones may be off, the root cause could be cortisol imbalance (stress), thyroid function (metabolism), insulin resistance (blood sugar), gut health (digestion), or nervous system regulation (brain health).
So yes. It may be your hormones. But to correct the problem, we will test, track, and treat all of the cornerstones of your health.
Think of it as redefining hormonal balance.

Getting Started
Whatever brought you here; you’re in the right place.
Now it's time to choose your next step!
- Have your routine labs come back "normal" ?
- Start feeling better by running the right tests & getting the proper assessment
- 25+ blood tests to consider when evaluating fatigue & hormones
- + Key nutrients not easily measured by labs
- 6 easy steps to assess how you symptoms connect to each other
- Tips to enhance the cornerstones of health
- Practical actions to take right away
- Convenient instant access
- The Hormone-Driven Solution to Lasting Energy!
- With a six- week guide, discover how to interpret your data and perform additional testing options
- Finally learn nutrition, lifestyle, & supplement strategies to feel authentically energized
- One free 30 minute call with Dr. Margot included!
- 1:1 Naturopathic & Acupuncture Appointments
- Together with my unique process "The Hormone Cornerstone Method", we will balance your hormones, correct deficiencies & optimize your gut health
- Virtual & in person available
- Includes assessment, testing & strategy

Don't miss my FREE Complete Fatigue Blood Work Checklist. When all of your routine labs look “normal” but you know something is off, it’s time to look deeper. This guide gives you a list of other possible factors that might be at the root of the problem.
Download FREE PDF